Saturday, July 10, 2010

Down Time Thoughts

I just can't motivate myself to get in the saddle during this Saturday morning downpour. I really don't want to put the wear and tear on my high end tri bike, and my road bike isn't equipped with a power meter. With five weeks of hard training to go I really shouldn't be skipping workouts. I'll wait this thing out and make a determination this afternoon. I might end up on the trainer today.

I've been spending the morning watching YouTube videos of the Ironman Louisville course. I think I'll love that bike ride. It consists of a ton of rolling hills, but far easier climbs than what I'm accustomed to in Lancaster County. The key will be maintaining momentum on the downhills, "flattening" the course by maintaining consistent power output. I'll be ready.

My metabolism is going crazy with the uptick in training. I've managed to drop two pounds in the past 10 days or so. I'll likely level off at my current weight of 151 pounds. I plan to show up on race day at a lean 149. Anything less will be unhealthy. My normal weight is between 155 and 157.

I'm a little concerned about my sore left shoulder. It started to get sore during our (training with my buddy Ryan) epic 4,100 meter swim yesterday. I'm going to schedule a massage for the coming week.

My kids dread the Tour de France because I actually compete for TV time. Those guys are so smooth and powerful. Really good mental training for a visual learner like me. Think I'll tune in now while the boys are still asleep...

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