Sunday, April 19, 2009

Epic Week, Lancaster

We're planning an epic "week" of triathlon training around the Memorial Day holiday weekend - Thursday, May 21 through Tuesday, May 26. The week will be geared for athletes training for long distance triathlons, but will have a distinct cycling focus. Think 50 to 100 mile rides with short brick runs and maybe a longer run or two thrown in. Maybe also a trip to Mt Gretna for group open water swimming.

Please let me know if interested in joining us. As of today we have up to four athletes training the entire time with a few others joining on random days. If you're not from Lancaster we can hook you up with a home stay if you're nice. :-)

These weeks are exhausting, but they work! They don't just build physical fitness, but also the "mental six pack" (think abs, not beer) you'll need to thrive on race day.

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