Friday, April 9, 2010

Return on Investment

So now that I dropped a fair amount of change on a geeked out bike, I'm afraid of being no faster than before. Building my fitness engine is only one of the necessary ingredients to gaining desired speed. How I fit onto the bike is just as important. A great fit will have me producing high power output while cutting through air with minimal aerodynamic drag, in a position that I can hold for several hours at a time.

Pros like Lance have access to high end wind tunnels where they can tweak positioning with realtime data. The rest of us have to learn through a longer process of trial and error.

It looks to me that we have my positioning pretty well dialed in. Thanks to Todd Kenyon at for the help. Check his site out if you're questioning your own positioning.

So what do you think... Should I make any other adjustments?

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