An easy 5 mile trot this morning with a few hardy Hempfield Triathlon Club souls. Lousy cell phone photo, but I'm wearing a Penn State football jersey & Stephanie's wearing a "Happy New Year" sign and party streamers. We turned a few heads in our 2F wind chilled weather.
So ends my Endurance Nation Holiday Run Challenge. 48 miles in 8 days. Not extreme mileage, but a good early season strength-builder. I alternated easy days with hard track interval sessions. My speed is actually better than it was in the middle of the summer. No more running for a few days... It's back to the cycling "pain cave" for a little while!
Happy New Year!
great job dan! you are tougher man than me!
I'll accept the "great job" comment, but ignore the "tougher" comment. Gimme a break!
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