For what it's worth, the red squiggly line is my heart rate during the Ironman Louisville bike ride. The spikes and few prolonged higher peaks are episodes of atrial fibrillation. I haven't had so much as a flutter since that ride ended. It's a pretty mysterious condition in that respect - you never know when it'll get triggered. It usually takes two or more triggers to make it happen (adrenaline + too much caffeine, hard exercise + allergy symptoms + dehydration, etc). But sometimes I can be subject to many of the triggers and it never appears. So it goes.
The did not finish (DNF) rate at Louisville was about 16%. For those outside the multisport community, that's a HUGE number.
I had some trouble acclimating to normal life this week. The office environment is a strange contrast to the triathlon-frenzied four square block area of Louisville from where I just returned. I wouldn't say that I have post race depression, but I'm definitely still trying to process what I've been through over the past week(s).
I don't have a plan, yet, for what's happening this fall. That's a dangerous place to be. I'll definitely keep riding but I need to set a goal. I want to do some form of non-tri group exercise; Leaning toward yoga but haven't researched class availability yet. Taking care of deferred maintenance on my house is a given. Pouring myself into my work is also a given. October is strategic planning month. I also signed up for an evening class at church. I suppose these will all keep me busy enough.
Football season kicks off this weekend as well. Kyle plays Sunday. I'm looking forward to doing a little spectating from the sidelines...